Monday, February 14, 2011

Slowin' Down

I'm down-shifting. The internet has gots to go... Begone, I say! Hellllooooo immediate, tactile space.

Thank you for readin' and chattin'. I liked this experience very much. Now, I'm going to enjoy other things. Slower things.

Ethan, JRB, Charles, Jack, BDR and everyone else who spent some time with my thoughts... you've been lovely... your involvement (because I think you're quite wise: fawning alert!) has lent me poise and confidence.

My final blog thought is a command: Enjoy! (it must be done)


  1. Sadly, then - good luck and merry wanderings to you.

    May you be well.

  2. Thanks for playing, enjoy your vacation!

  3. Awww, shit. Do what you gotta do, but I'll miss you.

    I am obeying your final command as we speak.

  4. All best to you and yours... Peace.

  5. I've relished your company — consistently smart. consistently funny.

    A strange cocktail I've imbibed over the last few weeks (heavy on the McLuhan, Guy Debord, and Dmitry Orlov) has left me convinced: I need to spend much more time in my own immediate acoustic, tactile space.

    You know, I started writing this blog because I wanted to be part of a complex, multi-vocal conversation, and I've done that, and I loved it, and it's time to come home (as you've alluded to... at least for a long while).

    Again, enjoy.

  6. Have fun, teevee teacher! may your tactile space be as glad for your presence as we have been!

  7. A rich parting note, for sure: Julie Mehretu maps the world, tactile and affective, exquisitely well. Touch the world.

  8. I only recently found this neck-of-the-woods and it has been lovely.

    Kindest regards and good luck with all you endeavor to do!

  9. When will I call you the scribbler?

    Don't be a stranger, friend.
