Thursday, August 5, 2010

If my thoughts have flawless delivery I can lead the army that will follow.

Did the Verizon ad team borrow that line from Goebbels, or perhaps a less cliché propagandist? No matter. I sure do like me a tee vee ad that blatantly promotes the utility of some well-laid prop-oh-gander.

Air has no prejudice. It does not carry the opinons of a man faster than that of a woman.
Right, Air doesn't care if you're a man or woman. However, we are curious, are you, man or woman, a member of our premium plan? 
Air is unaware if I'm black or white and wouldn't care if it knew.
Uh, what? If it knew? Air, like Stephen Colbert, is oblivious and indifferent to color — which is exactly how we should move "forward" in post-racial America. Did you notice the clever move: the white girl said black and the black girl said white. That, friends, is unity.
So it stands to reason that my ideas will be powerful if they are wise, infectious...
Infectious. Indeed. These ads are great, I really cherish all the sentence finishing. What a show of... Girl Power? Did anyone say Girl Power? I was thinking Girl Power.

Putting my tedious derision aside, this advertisement — produced for a telecom giant — is trying to look like it's saying some things about women or maybe gender roles or advocacy via personal multimedia; I imagine I might... hang on,

if you'll excuse me, I'm receiving a call on my Verizon telephone...

do you mind if I put you on hold?

No, no, it won't take long.

1 comment:

  1. Your tedious derision is right on key, comme toujours
