Thursday, August 26, 2010

Great folks, lousy names

I, like so many, hold Martin Luther King Jr. in high esteem. Yet, the name gets me. It is a crappy name. Now, the cadence is rather pleasant — I like the two-two-one syllable sequence (ignoring the Jr.). But the components of the name leave me cold:

Martin Luther: demagogue/dickbag
Kings: a touch pompous, a rather demanding ilk. Who needs em'?
Juniors: It does not seem to reflect well on the father — an awkward whiff of patriarchy.

I don't know if MLK preferred to have "Dr." attached to the front of his name (my guess is he didn't, probably went with Rev.). If he did, this makes the name even worse. If you are not a medical doctor, you're not a doctor. Yes, sure, a highly regarded (no doubt) institution has awarded you a doctorate, but you ain't no Doc. It's both confusing and lame; should we all attach our highest educational achievement to our name?