Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Boom... For Real?

Pardon me? They didn't kill the black guy? Oh, I see... yet... they didn't kill him yet (Hours later, Troy Davis, murdered by the state, with help from...)

If this is a "wait for the angries to go home" ploy (like the smell coming from the not-at-all-the-same-thing delay in Tim DeChristopher's sentencing), I'd expect a little blow-back.

Any doubt that this delay is a Justice-say-what? cost/benefit move? We sure would love to do the right thing here — poison this nigger black african american (colorblind era) guy's body — a body that had the chutzpah to send violence up the ladder of authority — until all life ceases... but is it worth it to follow our hardened principle of destroying human beings with black skin? It sure seems like a lot of people are acting like "doing-what-we-do" is a problem... Let us pray.

If they didn't already have a riot on their hands, they will now — assuming they ultimately go along with the death ritual (which is not to say I'm getting all ginned up with riot punch, but check it: since killing the colored folks is this culture's most sacred rite, it's only fitting that this would be the catalyst for a BOOM FOR REAL.

I'll go back outside now.


As a below bonus, I was generous enough to transcribe the Important President Teaching Announcement from this morning, or whenever:

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